I'm sure all the concrete creeks and development over wetlands and marshes are great for fish and aquatic life along the coasts in general.
I don't see that getting fixed any time soon as you'd have to displace rich people and businesses to fix it properly.
Luna was my buddy Art's dog that was the handler for your field with you. I just helped plant the birds and recaptured that one on the levee. I ran my dog, Mina, during the second round of the day. That was a bit of a challenge cause I had 4 shooters and their dog that they were wanting to run...
I started to get the hang of dropping sooty grouse up around Tahoe. Was on the NV side so it doesn't close early like CA does. Once I found the areas that they liked and got into them I started to see more each time I went out. Got 3 males and one hen while I was there.
When I went last year I didn't really think there was any bad blinds or assigned ponds so if you get a res you get something decent even if you are last. It was later in the season but they all produced when I went. We were in blind 10, an island blind, which is closer to the parking but don't...
From reading the code, my take away is your not supposed do any activity inside of 200 yards of source of water longer then 30 mins.
So walking by a guzzler and hunting would be fine but hunting dove by the farm ponds for 30+ wouldn't? Wow that sounds so stupid about dove just typing it out, I...
I wrote a thing but realized sprig posted the law.
You can walk into these zones. It's occupying them, AKA squatting in there, for more then 30 mins.
Being in violation any time you entered one of these 400 yard spheres of corridors would be absurd and irrational.
I hunted like this this morning on an ebike. Smacked me an eclipse special forest chicken right off the road.
Lot has changed but a lot hasn't.
Enjoyed the disney sounding narration of the era.
If you've not actually done it then you don't actually know.
Unless your starting point is underweight and malnourished it's not dangerous. And I wasn't suggesting to not have food. If something feels off, eat.
Now not drinking? That's dangerous. But my point is our bodies are still very much...
If you've been doing 16/8 try mixing in some longer ones up to a 22/2 then a full day then later a 2 day. And keep trying to rotate in longer fasts to see what our bodies are actually capable of where the difficulties are for you specifically etc on a schedule that your comfortable with. Your...
If you work up and train yourself to be able to fast it's like unlocking a cheat code knowing you can simply go without food and be fine. Carry less, eat less, you'll be good if you have the electrolyte/salt packs to put in water and drink.
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