Dang it!!!... For a second it seemed the tail was going to cooperate and come off with my careful pulling with an encircled fingers on one hand, and the other hand pulling up on the tail... until in the snap of a finger it didn't cooperate anymore.
SIGH... oh well... definitely going to get myself a tail-stripper for next time. That part bummed me out a bit, but I have to just chalk it up to learning.
Oddly today her smell did not seem foul like before. And the meat looks rather nice. She had real nice neck meat. And the backstrap is way long. And of course the rump is also obviously substantially meaty.
We'll see how that goes. I have the meat in plastic-ware in the fridge sitting in water to draw out the blood.
I hope I remembered right... it seemed logical to store the hide fur-to-fur so that's what I tried to do as best as I could fold it. I did not split the neck to chin open yet though. I did go back and split open the forearm hides.
Also my idea for hanging with a tie-down off that hitch-ring I have on my eaves worked great! Had the boy go fetch me a piece of scrap PVC pipe and just wedged it between the two tie-down hook-ends and it held beautifully.
Wow... It's amazing how strong Achilles Tendons are!
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