FFA just finished 30 Nosler #3, #4 and #5. These rigs are the real deal! All finished with Bighorn actions, McMillan carbon fiber Game Warden stocks and Jewell triggers.
it is probably beyond my pocket book but I would like to have one I would like to test it and shoot a few rounds. can fine fire arms PM me the specifics about the ammo (rounds) and cost of the rifles?
thanks for the reply Fine Fire Arms. but lastly out of my reach, need to buy a new truck first priority.
very nice collection. I bet bet very accurate . maybe more in the future.
"Prices vary - the rifles are roughly $4,300 -$5,500 depending on how you spec the rig. Ammo off the shelf is between $79.99 - $89.99 per box of 20. Reloading is recommended"
Makes a Super Black Eagle lll seem pretty reasonable........lol
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