SurfNHuntSD said:
I drew G13... so now as I understand things, I can't buy a D16 OTC because I can't have more than 1 premium right?
Someone correct me if I'm wrong...I think since your first is a premium, the second cannot be premium. But on Aug 2nd they release all remaining tags for general OTC. See below:
A Second-Deer Tag may be used to obtain the following:
• Unrestricted Deer Hunt Tags
• Restricted Deer Hunt Tags
• Leftover Premium Deer Hunt Tags issued on
August 2, 2014. (August 2nd is a Saturday, CDFW license
sales offices will be closed.)
Second-Deer Tag applicants may obtain any restricted deer
hunt tag at any time if they do not have a pending drawing
application or have been issued a premium or restricted deer
tag as a First-Deer Tag.
Second Deer Tag applicants may apply for any remaining
premium deer tag, starting at 8:00 a.m. on August 2, 2014.
In 2013, there were no leftover premium deer tags as of the
August 2nd release. (August 2nd is a Saturday, CDFW license
sales offices will be closed.)