here are the details on the rebuilt rig.
OAL is now 3.2" it wont feed out of a short action any longer. Glad i got the long action now
its exactly 1oz under 22lbs
184gr burger F-open hybrids seated .200 in on the bearing surface.
Freebore is set at .278 that gives this setup .015 of jump with plenty of room to chase the lands as they erode.
starting load is 63.5 gr of h1000. cases come out cold to the touch. 100% full is about 65gr of h1000.
new rest system is called a pickle fork lowers the center line of the bore quite a bit vs a normal flat bottom on the stock. keeps rotation down and makes it track backwards nice.
in the photos you can see the lenght difference between the 6.5saum and this 7saum. The freebore being set longer lets me use all the case capacity. not setting the freebore longer on my first build was a mistake.
in the pics, the AICS mag is a long action 300wm, it takes up almost all the room. the photo of the two cartridges is the 7saum and 6.5saum next to each other.