Turas, Welcome to the site. Most everyone has friends on other sites, but I have found a home here. The guys here are very helpful, friendly, and forthcoming with real info.
Rabbits- I love hunting rabbits. With no one to show me how to hunt big game it’s all I did when I was a kid. Sling shot, and BB gun at first, then a shot gun when I turned 14. Rabbits do most of their eating at night, and get there water from the dew and plants, so most rabbits I see out in the sage brush are just hiding from predators. If I walk slow I can spot them before they see me and bust. I may be the only guy I know that uses 10x42 binoculars to hunt bunny’s at 40 yards and under but it works. Look under every tuff of grass and you’ll see them there holding tight. Then stalk in with a bush in between you. When you get to 20 – 30 yards you draw back and step out from behind the bush, and whack. Rabbit stew! Range finder helps too. Works on ground squirrels too.
I have got a few jackrabbits with my bow too. The shots will be a lot longer 40- 60 yards. They are tough and will run off with you arrow if you are using a judo point. A good spot for Jacks is up the 395 before sunset. Walk the washes. They will flush and stop at 50 to 60 yards and that is your one shot. There is no stalking in closer on a jack after he has busted.
I love hunting small game with my bow and have shot just about every kind we have around here. But now days with work and family I reserve my hunting days for deer season.
Good hunting !