I think I’ve shot 5+
deer at least with copper. I have noticed that Barnes doesn’t tend to leave A blood trail with a lung shot. and it does leave a small hole coming and going. I generally use a 7mm-08 or 270 size gun in CA. But the federal Premium trophy copper 165s out of my 30-06 I’ve used on bigger out of state deer seem to leave a pretty good blood trail. I think they expand better. Maybe the answer out here is use a 308 or 30-06 with a 165 bullet or better and you might get a little more exit wounding and damage for tracking.? I’ll have to shoot more copper to test that theory. (Also though, I did a shoot a deer in 2011 with a 85 grain .243. I had to shoot that deer twice even though it was shot through the chest. I think the .243 is a pretty marginal deer round with copper - it’s tiny even though it’s speedy. This is a 85 grain .243 pictured next to A 145 LRX 7mm and a 150 .30 Cal.) Barnes.:
PS the reason I stay with Barnes is accuracy. They are universally the most accurate bullets I’ve shot regardless of gun or caliber. I’ve just started to experiment with E-Tips. They are accurate I just haven’t shot any animals with them yet.

PS the reason I stay with Barnes is accuracy. They are universally the most accurate bullets I’ve shot regardless of gun or caliber. I’ve just started to experiment with E-Tips. They are accurate I just haven’t shot any animals with them yet.
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