Interfering with Other People’s Hunts


Oct 24, 2021
I was hunting a really small parcel of public this morning trying to fill my A22 tag. I got there later than usual and was surprised to find that no one had beat me there so I got set up on a great spot where I had previously seen a lot of deer travel through. Some time went by and then a close (within 50yards) 12 gauge blast shattered the silence. The spot was now a bust so I packed it up and headed out. I was tempted to go tell the quail hunters that they burned me but I was thoroughly pissed off and I knew I wasn’t going to say anything nice. When I got to my truck, I saw they parked right next to me. Knowing how small the property is, I would’ve bit the bullet and went somewhere else if someone had beat me there. What do you guys think? Did I have the right to be frustrated or am I the asshole here?
How small are we talking? I routinely park next to others or visa versa and its usually not a problem but I am not hunting less than a mile from the truck.
One of the places I hunt is pretty small. It's also sort of a longish narrow valley. I've had hunts ruined by duck hunters on opening day and other hunters during rifle but that's public land hunting. I've also seen a guy walk through an area I was hunting and 20 minutes later a buck walked through with two does so the hunter did not chase them off
How small are we talking? I routinely park next to others or visa versa and its usually not a problem but I am not hunting less than a mile from the truck.
Under 100 acres. I’ll park next to people on larger properties but I feel this is a little different
One of the places I hunt is pretty small. It's also sort of a longish narrow valley. I've had hunts ruined by duck hunters on opening day and other hunters during rifle but that's public land hunting. I've also seen a guy walk through an area I was hunting and 20 minutes later a buck walked through with two does so the hunter did not chase them off
Unfortunately that wasn’t the case for me today. I found multiple sets of tracks on top of my boot tracks in an unusual spot and it looked like they were running from the direction the quail hunters were in
How does anyone know who they are parking next to ? Anyone one ever hunt San Felipe Valley ? everyone parks near there because of access points. All I see here is complaining with no foundation for reason. Get real this is one of the most crowded states in the nation and the don't want you to hunt, hence no places to hunt. if you want better space to hunt fight for it (good luck) or find and or move to better places. Cali sucks and it won't get better unless the politics and demographics change and I don't see that happening ever. California as we knew it fifty years ago is over and will never return. Too many people and you are not welcome here as a sportsman. Be glad for what is left and defend it as best as you can.
How does anyone know who they are parking next to ? Anyone one ever hunt San Felipe Valley ? everyone parks near there because of access points. All I see here is complaining with no foundation for reason. Get real this is one of the most crowded states in the nation and the don't want you to hunt, hence no places to hunt. if you want better space to hunt fight for it (good luck) or find and or move to better places. Cali sucks and it won't get better unless the politics and demographics change and I don't see that happening ever. California as we knew it fifty years ago is over and will never return. Too many people and you are not welcome here as a sportsman. Be glad for what is left and defend it as best as you can.
All I did was ask a simple question if you guys thought it was bad etiquette on their part considering the circumstance or if I’m over thinking it. No need to get spun out over nothing.
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How does anyone know who they are parking next to ? Anyone one ever hunt San Felipe Valley ? everyone parks near there because of access points. All I see here is complaining with no foundation for reason. Get real this is one of the most crowded states in the nation and the don't want you to hunt, hence no places to hunt. if you want better space to hunt fight for it (good luck) or find and or move to better places. Cali sucks and it won't get better unless the politics and demographics change and I don't see that happening ever. California as we knew it fifty years ago is over and will never return. Too many people and you are not welcome here as a sportsman. Be glad for what is left and defend it as best as you can.
I hunt Upland and deer and only on public land. I will not hunt Quail in spots that I know guys are hunting deer. I don’t care if it is public. I have had guys come right in on me when deer hunting when they were chasing Quail. I would talk to them and they were always apologetic about blowing my spot. I just remind that when it is deer season and they see a parked truck maybe they should look for a different spot. Most of them just really didn’t know any better or didn’t see my truck. I don’t think people do it to be pricks. Cali is a tough state to hunt. But, we have more public land than a lot of states. A lot of states are pretty much pay to play. Euruope is even worse. There are a lot of hunters in California but the numbers matter if we are going to have any chance of keeping hunting going. Hunting is threatened in other states as well. They have tried to ban Bear Hunting in some states and Colorado just voted down a ban against hunting lions. The threat against hunting is occurring in a lot of states. Both because of politics and a dwindling number of hunters. We need to remain vigilant both in our own state and nationally as well.

Op, you have no more right to hunt the spot than others, no matter who gets there first, who left their home first, who drove the furthest...

I get wanting a spot to yourself, but even after a 10 mile hike in you are often not the only person in the spot. You would be much better served, if you concentrate on adapting to others using the areas you hunt. Coming here and complaining about others arriving to their land after you, and them not opting for another spot simply makes you look like a Karen, a Karen that somehow thinks that because you arrived first, others no longer have the right to hunt, or potentially recreate on their lands. It's simply a ridiculous argument. Try that at tge beach on a hot summer day, and let us know how it goes for you.
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You’re absolutely right I don’t have anymore of a right to be there. I was genuinely trying to ask about the etiquette of the matter and if I was getting frustrated for no reason which it sounds like I probably was. My intent wasn’t to bitch about the other hunters but to ask others opinion about the etiquette of hunting a property that small since I rarely do so.
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I hunt Upland and deer and only on public land. I will not hunt Quail in spots that I know guys are hunting deer. I don’t care if it is public. I have had guys come right in on me when deer hunting when they were chasing Quail. I would talk to them and they were always apologetic about blowing my spot. I just remind that when it is deer season and they see a parked truck maybe they should look for a different spot. Most of them just really didn’t know any better or didn’t see my truck. I don’t think people do it to be pricks. Cali is a tough state to hunt. But, we have more public land than a lot of states. A lot of states are pretty much pay to play. Euruope is even worse. There are a lot of hunters in California but the numbers matter if we are going to have any chance of keeping hunting going. Hunting is threatened in other states as well. They have tried to ban Bear Hunting in some states and Colorado just voted down a ban against hunting lions. The threat against hunting is occurring in a lot of states. Both because of politics and a dwindling number of hunters. We need to remain vigilant both in our own state and nationally as well.

Agreed and I know they didn’t mean to interfere with my hunt. I’ve unintentionally stepped on some toes out there and it’s a shitty feeling. California’s tough enough as it is.
All I did was ask a simple question if you guys thought it was bad etiquette on their part considering the circumstance or if I’m over thinking it. No need to get spun out over nothing.


Public land is just that, public land...Anyone who has hunted very much, has had this happen...The fact you were deer hunting and they were quail hunting really doesn't make any difference...You both have the right to be there.

A couple years back, I shot a limit of doves during the "16" season...Just before my 15th dove and shooting a lot...A beautiful buck came running past me chasing a doe...I shot my last dove...Then with 20 minutes left of shoot time I found the buck and got him...Next time I would hold my ground and keep hunting....2 cents

Public land is just that, public land...Anyone who has hunted very much, has had this happen...The fact you were deer hunting and they were quail hunting really doesn't make any difference...You both have the right to be there.

A couple years back, I shot a limit of doves during the "16" season...Just before my 15th dove and shooting a lot...A beautiful buck came running past me chasing a doe...I shot my last dove...Then with 20 minutes left of shoot time I found the buck and got him...Next time I would hold my ground and keep hunting....2 cents
I hate people if someone beats me there I will go to a different soot
Lenny, unfortunately, others being on and or hunting public lands is way more common than having anyplace to yourself, even durifirst lng the week. I have spent many many off season days scouting areas, which included spooking some just to see games escape routes, concealment areas... and travel routes. I have filled my tags during season, and stayed scouting without a rifle, doing the same, but during the season, if I am staying after filling my tag(s), I generally always sit and glass so I am not negatively impacting another persons hunt. Occasionally, I will point an animal out to a hunter, so they can fil their tag. If you want to consistently fill tags, you need to learn to hunt areas that have other hunters hunting, if you're going to be hunting public lands. Some people will be good respectful hunters, others will not. It is simply a fact of hunting public land. I have talked to other hunters camped next to me, in and effort to not be hunting on top of each other. in some cases, we share our plans and hunt different areas. In other cases, we share our plans and plan on hunting different areas, only to find them hunting my area (I am almost always their first as I hike in the dark to at a spot at least1/2 hour before first light). In the latter cases, I simply do my best to out hunt them and shoot an animal they are unaware of; honestly, just to rub it in (not verbally). Typically, the guys that purposely hunt the spot I intend to hunt, simply lack confidence and think I know something they don't. Considering I've been hunting several decades and consistently fill tags, they happen to be correct, but they generally don't actually know. I'm not bragging here, I am trying to point out that newb hunters, or those that have not consistently filled their tags, tend to follow-hunt around others, instead of seeking out their own spots (granted some areas size limits the ability to do this). Some will get lucky doing this, but they simply do not build the skills, knowledge and abilities to consistently fill tags. So, in short, when in situations like you describe, accept and rise to the challenge. After all, the deer or any other game is not likely to leave the country from minimal pressure. Furthermore, many mature bucks have their hidey holes a don't actually go far. Lastly, when weather permits, I prefer hiking my game meat out (I debone my animals) at night so I can get it to the truck unseen, so I am not attracting other hunters to the area, as any legal buck tends to do, let alone a mature buck.

Good Luck!


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