Let’s get this party started! Buck Down !!!!!!!!!!!

Nicely done Jim. The smile on you face says it all. You look quite satisfied. Hauled it out in the rental car. "CLASSIC"
Invisible man said:
How does he score?

Not sure yet. He doesn't have much mass at the bases. Without a tape, I'd guess a gross of 89 -92 inches. He'll make CBH book so I'm happy.
Humble Hunter said:
Very nice Jimmy im sure ill see him at my pop's in the boiling pot.

Later this week....... I always enjoy swapping hunting stories with him.
Cool hope to see you this week, Dave Daville and I are heading up to D/6 D/7 to finish off the last week of that season, been up a dozen times scouting hoping to bag the triple B, Bucks, Bears and Boars, should be a good trip.