Lion Attack in San Diego


Staff member
Aug 3, 2012
May 27, 2019 (Los Penasquitos) -- A young child has been transported to a hospital with head injuries after being attacked by a mountain lion around 2:30 p.m. today at the Los Peñasquitos Canyon Preserve.

Witnesses told 10 News that the boy's father threw rocks to scare off the lion. The attacked occurred just east of the waterfall on a popular hiking trail.

The boy, whom witnesses estimated at around 4 years of age, was conscious when he left the preserve with paramedics. There are no updates on his condition at this time.

The incident occurred just three days after KUSI reported that a mountain lion in the same preserve had followed a man and his 12 year old son along a trail. According to an account posted on NextDoor, the father got off his bicycle and waved it over his head, shouting until the lion turned and ran off.

The California Fish & Game Department advises that if you see a mountain lion, don't ever run away or turn your back to the lion, which triggers the lion's predator instinct and makes it likely to attack, believing you are prey. Do not curl up or play dead, as is advised to avoid bear attacks. Instead, wave your arms or a hiking stick over your head to look larger, open a jacket wide, shout and make as much noise as possible. If an animal acts aggressively, you can throw a rock or other object toward the lion.

You may wish to avoid this trail short-term. Keep children close to you when hiking in mountain lion terrain and pick up your child if you see a lion.

Several thousand mountain lions, also known as cougars or pumas, are estimated to reside in California. Most are elusive and avoid contact with people. The California Fish & Game Department's website reports that from 1996 to 2014, only 15 verified mountain lion attacks have been documented in California, of which three were fatal. The majority of victims survive cougar attacks, often by fighting back with sticks, rocks, bottles or other items.

If you have photos, details, or an eyewitness account on this event or any local emergency please contact [email protected]

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Hrmm.... I wonder how many of those would have to happen before a leftist liberal SJW's internal "RAWR!!! THIS MUST BE STOPPED!!!" compass does a 180 and swing in favor of the human?
It was just a matter of time.
Now Fish and Game has the ball in their court.
Let’s see what do they do.
I think that using a deer tag to harvest either a deer or a mountain lion could help.
I understand another state allows that.
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Reactions: Smokey58 and Juan
I can't even imagine. If that was my son I would be on a personal vendetta against all mountain lions. Wildlife Biologist's need to find a way to train pumas to eat coyotes
Wonder what kind of rocks he threw? Obviously not the right ones...the horror..
"Obiously not the right ones." ZOMG!!! - BUAAAHAHA!! OH damn... thank you Hatch! I haven't laughed like that in a good while!
This is all up to the father on how far he wants to take it... I know what I'd do. You'd see me on every news station in the country. Sad deal, more to come... Ed F
I mountain bike that trail, and the family and I almost went on a hike there this past weekend, but instead went to Iron Mountain.
Tragic situation that could be minimized by wildlife conservation efforts. The fact that it was a group of 11 and still occurred is concerning.
I don't expect any changes in our states posture on Mtn Lions until somebody of 'note' is affected personally by this.
With the recent rains and the expected increase of prey animals, expect the predator population to match...
Hope the kid gets through this okay.
I can't even imagine. If that was my son I would be on a personal vendetta against all mountain lions. Wildlife Biologist's need to find a way to train pumas to eat coyotes
A multi year study of the lions in the Santa Ana Mountains indicated that coyotes are, in fact, the second most commonly eaten prey animal, behind deer.
Yeah, more liberal research done by a liberal college on liberal funding. I believe that research . Don’t believe me, call the mountain lion foundation and listen to there rhetoric.
I stopped by Ruffin Rd fish & game last week and saw KUSI interviewing one of their reps about mountain lions. Just had to bite my tongue and walk on by.
I had a Cub Scout pack there two months ago. Saw big gray furry scat. When the ranger asked what kind of scat it was I waited for the boys to respond coyote, dog, rabbit, etc and then said mountain lion. He quickly said bob cat and sort of looked at me like I might scare people. I’ve seen deer in there (water and good greens) so it would make sense for mountain lions to pass through. But there are so many dogs on the path daily that I would think the lions would stay away. That mountain lion needs to go one way or another.
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Ya it's no coincidence that as the lion population expands, our deer herds
Are disappearing... Us old timers use to see deer every where...
I rarely see deer where they use to be, first hand visual of the population what it use to be..
Plain common sense.
For get all the liberal studies, it's all hog wash...

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