Scent Control

Hmmph... interesting... see I was taught the Golden Rule. "Do onto others, as you would have them do onto you."

Y'all (SPrig you'r actually pretty good at not doing it) love to sit around all day and just put people down that don't fit into your mold. Never missing an opportunity to get in a jab whenever you can. Then you go and wonder why new hunter participation is falling off. Psssh. SMDH

I would never intentionally put a new hunter or fisherman down (might be an exception in there after 30,000+ posts)...You're right on the money about some folks not being raised in a hunting family....How else are you going to learn?....I guess like anything else....The presentation has a lot to do with the answer or outcome.
For the newbies not you old buggers lol....
How deer can bust you and not necessarily in this order we can all agree Please thank you

They can smell you first ( The nose knows, cant fool it)
they can hear you first (Those big ears) deer have busted me 100-200 yards away easily cracking twigs)
they can see you ( they see movement, and as long as you don't move they wont see you) I have stalked deer starting out 200-300 yards with 40 yards, called the slow mo movement.. I was a tree lol

Different styles of hunting depends on your style and you choice of hunting equipment...

Traditional ~ very close quarters and smell matters ,yes stay in the wind, but don't be a stinking smelling like pepperoni or los panchos, peco de gallo you know what I mean..
compound bow ~ yes close quarters but more for giving than traditional..
muzzle rifle ~ more forgiving than bow but not as medium distance or long distance as some rifles.
bolt action riflle ~ depending if you are like sargent york or like me range of upto 300 Yards for ethical kills and that can be debated..

I use to ambush , and then stalk with the slow mo it would take me an hour to go for 60 yards..

new old trend ~ spot and stalk long distance with over powered glass ..

Hatchets way Texas hold them .. lol and its OK to dude, nothing wrong with it, drive up in a truck and shoot it, throw in the truck
head for home. lol....

ok boys add on to this and make a good right more power to the power post... lol
remember every one is different with different styles.
Have you never noticed how when a smoker walks past you after having just lit up.. that smell then sticks onto your hair and your clothing?

Likewise it stands to reason that a little preventative scent control could prevent scents from you from sticking onto the vegetation as you pass by it as you move thru the area. No sense in tipping them off before they've even got near you.

Oh wait... I forgot.. you guys never get out of the truck... right.. my bad.

You hit right on the money dog I kept jumping around it..

so when you walk the hills, to your stand not what... every one leaves a scent trial... what you eat and what you puk, when you sweat you leave on the trail... simple as that..
so deer pick on the poop, and say vanamos ya muchachos.. good bye you will never seem me again... hey there is always a rule to break the rule right..
but who cares if it works for them, and you don't need it cool..
its all good,
Larry, a guy could spend a lifetime over thinking hunting, try the truck dude, just make sure you pull the key out and put it in park and step old wise hunter once told me "they aint glued to the pasture" shoot!!
This cannot be for real... I'm dreaming... do you not realize that you are a human being. You smell like a human, deer know what humans smell like. You cannot change that. You cannot disguise that. Your ozone machine smells like a human. The leather and rubber on your boots smell like a human. Your weapon smells like a human. You can do 1000 things to hide and disguise your human scent and you will still smell like a human. If you are upwind of a deer the deer will smell a human.

I do not do anything.... nothing... to control my human scent. I kill lots of sh!t, up close, with a bow. I try to stay downwind.... period. Ed F
This cannot be for real... I'm dreaming... do you not realize that you are a human being. You smell like a human, deer know what humans smell like. You cannot change that. You cannot disguise that. Your ozone machine smells like a human. The leather and rubber on your boots smell like a human. Your weapon smells like a human. You can do 1000 things to hide and disguise your human scent and you will still smell like a human. If you are upwind of a deer the deer will smell a human.

I do not do anything.... nothing... to control my human scent. I kill lots of sh!t, up close, with a bow. I try to stay downwind.... period. Ed F
All right Ed chill brother.. you win Ok.
Let's move on. Life's to short..
Let your arrow fly straight..
This cannot be for real... I'm dreaming... do you not realize that you are a human being. You smell like a human, deer know what humans smell like. You cannot change that. You cannot disguise that. Your ozone machine smells like a human. The leather and rubber on your boots smell like a human. Your weapon smells like a human. You can do 1000 things to hide and disguise your human scent and you will still smell like a human. If you are upwind of a deer the deer will smell a human.

I do not do anything.... nothing... to control my human scent. I kill lots of sh!t, up close, with a bow. I try to stay downwind.... period. Ed F
My brutha!
Again no said to buy the stuff they try to push on adds.. were did I say that...
Believe what you want to believe then maturely move on.
Any three of the items posted earlier will bust you..
Smell, noise, movement..
You guys need to quit getting upset about your pissing corner.
Do what you think works for you.
Now this just gets into pissing contest..
Move on you are all right...

I think it's just frustrating for the most experienced guys to listen to folks that they're trying to help....Most have tried these gimmicks or ideas and know they don't work....But hey, you want to spend your bread on stuff that obviously doesn't work....Well, that's up to you....I guess that's what makes the world go round.... :blush:
Smoke in a bottle, binoculars, a weapon, go hunting. KISS keep it simple stupid. Don’t go cheap on your wind chalk smoke in a bottle is the best, it will be the best $10 you will spend.

I really have no idea what I am doing, seriously I just show up with a tag and try and fill it. I glass a lot, play the wind, hunt harder than most, and capitalize on dumb luck. Doing those 4 things I somehow find a way to sometimes kill animals. Butt sweat, ball sweat, feet sweat, pit sweat nothing out there is hiding that especially since the majority of my hunts last almost a week and baby wipes are my shower.

Moccasin Joe Smoke in a Bottle Wind Checker-1.5 oz

I think it's just frustrating for the most experienced guys to listen to folks that they're trying to help....Most have tried these gimmicks or ideas and know they don't work....But hey, you want to spend your bread on stuff that obviously doesn't work....Well, that's up to you....I guess that's what makes the world go round.... :blush:
You wear a leafy suit when turkey hunting. A turkey is very sharp eyes.
Right .yet you fool it.
You wear camo to fool the eye of a turkey or ducks. And use calls to fool them.. hide in blinds right.
We sit high in deer stands. To remove our selfs from the sight of deers normal sight and smell.
As it is proven going high helps from the deer to smell the hunter in thermals.
Wind does not blow in the same direction all the time. It changes.
And in an instance. And will blow your position in heart beat..
It is impossible to always keep the wind in our face..

Lastly we sit in blinds to fool our prey.. and camo our selves from coyotes or turkey.
This is my analysis. We do the same to defeat an animals smell.
And there are different methods to throw them off enough to fool them.
And every one is right it isn't easy.

It is agreed that going high and trying to keep the wind in our face is going to help..
Now the issue here is the validity
If a hunter is able to fool a deers nose. Most of the hunters here say no.. because of the sensitivity of their nose. Which is a tough argument..
Deer have better eye sight then we do. But if we remain motionless
They have difficulty seeing us we can all agree..
If we remain very quiet, making absolutely no noise we can defeat their hearing. Yet their hearing is100 time better than ours. Right..
It is my belief that we can fool their sense of smell. Or at list confuse them. By keep our body order
At it's most minimum as possible.
Don't sweat if you are, you are going way to fast for very close encounters. 15-50 yards.
Now if you are spot and stalking from a long distance.
It has been my experience deer have a hard time smelling you.
Yes then the smell of your order will make no difference , or less of a difference., if all the conditions are good..
Just like tool we use to gain a better chance to defeat our prey, we use it.
My ancestors believe if in very close encounters 15-20 yards they had more successful hunts.
They had natural remedies, just like they had natural remedies for medicine, and survival. Was fool proof, no . Did it always work problem not. It it seem to to work for them most of the time.
Ishi when he went hunting..
He was washed, rinsed his mouth,
And wore no sandals or shoes.
Only wore a loin cloth.. be cause clothing was to noisy..
We use every tool we have to fool our prey. Smell, noise, movement..
I like the smell of sage. And sweet grass. I use them. Do they work.
For me they do because that's what I believe. And it is an added mental encouragement..
Tell people what you believe.
And that is fine , and you can have a disagreement. That's fine.
But don't ever ridicule a person in believing in their believes.
That's what I see here.
Narcissistic attitudes..
I don't see the Narcissistic side of this.....Opinions vary and then there is the pure comedy angle....the “noobs” ask for advice and then don’t like the way it’s delivered or think they know better which leads to comedic exchanges. Don’t change a thing please.
Mountain lion consistently kill deer..
Talk about the silent death..
They will sit and watch for hours with out moving.. their paws are padded. And will walk so slowly and virtually make no noise.
Yet mountain stinks to high heaven but some how managed to fool a deers smell..
Young deer or old deer I suspect.
Not experience enough or to weak .

Remember Ishi explained to apprentice that if a Jay squawks a certain way it will notify the woods a coyote is near by. A ground squirrels will do the same. Even my dog has fiquired that. Out if a squirrel barks a certain best his head will perk up and off he goes to chase of the coyote.. well they have their bark
When they see me alerting all the other squirrels.. lol.
I not even close to Ishi talents.
But boy I try hard.. most of the time I killed my prey I woul sit for hours and not even move sit there freezing my ass off from the wind chill, shaking like a leaf. But no matter
I was told to sit there and don't move. Every week end I would go to freeze my ass. Lol.
Got in my natural blind and there would sit, and sit..
Sometimes it would take a week
Sometimes it too 4 weeks.
I would have a good view of the deer trail about 100 yards. At an elevated position up high . In the Chaparral.
I had more patience then. Now
All my body aches. Lol the mileage.
And it was a very good hunting spot.
Location, location, location
Applies to real estate as well as Hunting..
I want to address the untrue statement said about the n00bs "not" accepting the advice given to them. That I went from never having hunted, and never having taken any land mammals whatsoever, (except with airguns) to taking a mule deer in 1yr and 13days...then repeating that performance the next two years is testimony to the fact that I accepted advice given to me. So don't even start with that mess.

Can you hunt and be successful WITHOUT all sorts of aftermarket products? SURE! Of course you can! Otherwise NONE OF US would exist today, as we ALL descend from Hunters.

I just said I know I don't have as much skill as you guys yet, so I figure, where reasonable, stack the odds in my favor. Plus... as I said before... I have a nose that's more sensitive to smells than most folks, as far as I can gather. So I figure if I can smell it... I know for sure a deer can smell it. Whatever the "it" is we happen to be talking about.

Point I'm making is that besides the wind carrying smells...smells stick on to things... BIG TIME. I notice it ev-er-y day.
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Believe me, I'm not upset or pumping my chest. I have an opinion too... but don't get butt hurt when someone shares a different opinion. KaaaPowww... Ed F
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