From Scott Sewell.......I would like to thank you all for your support and I appreciate the feedback. First off, Hwy 111 is open and there is access from the north and south. As many you know we have been faced with challenges at IWA and as I have said before “we will overcome them”. Even with Wister being 80-85% full we are still higher than the majority of WLA’s in the State in the flooding to acreage ratio. The ponds that are filling will provide new habitat and forage for the coming months. Social media has not accurately described our current position and forecast. Wister does have vegetation management issues but overall is looking good and will be ready for the season. Some of the comments made are simply inaccurate. We have very hard-working employees that are doing the best they can. I currently have a smaller crew than usual, but I have just hired 2 new FWT, I still have 1 FWT out on leave, I will be hiring a new WHS1, and I will be hiring a new seasonal or two. We will rebuild and will be stronger. Thank you for your support and good luck this weekend and season. Wetland Units 514 ponded 513 ponded 413 East ponded 413 West 1&2 ponded 3 finishing 4 filling 312 A &B ponded C filling 115 A, B & C ponded 114 A &B ponded Y15 A ponded B 2&3 ponded 1 filling Y16 A 1&2 ponded B ponded W11 A reservoir ponded B 1&3 ponded W11 D 2 &4 ponded, 1&3 dry and will fill, 5 filling U10 ponded U12 ponded with 1 filling U14 2,3,4&5 filling T10 water ordered for Green feed 2&4 T10 1,3&5 will pond after Green feed T12 ponded T14 2,3,4&5 filling S20 ponded S22 2&4 filling Hazards all ponded Green Feed Fields 413 dry wheat 312 A Dry wheat 115 B 2&4 Rye irrigated U10 2&4 Rye irrigated S20 2&4 Rye water ordered T10 2&4 Millet water ordered Y14 1st Rye, prepping the next phase