A lot has happened in the last 12 hours...
It rained here yesterday afternoon. Enough that the grass is wet. A little discouraging because they probably won't come get a drink til this afternoon. That's ok. It's supposed to be 100 today... that's gonna be difficult with a 16 year old girl.
I checked the camera and there are no pics after the 21st... which is weird. This tank gets a lot of activity. I don't have an explanation.
Olivia has a cold. Bought cough drops to keep the coughing to a minimum. She's snoring right now... dreaming about the afternoon hunt. Plus she smells like a teenage girl... hope the scent control precautions work today.
Today is girls day. I have my buddy's girlfriend sitting in my opening day blind... one of them should have some action. I really hope so.
And finally, my blind was gone... actually it was neatly folded up and put in its bag about 10 yards away with the chairs. I set these blinds up a week before the season.

I suspect someone got here, saw my blind, took it down and put up theirs. That's totally cool and I'm grateful that they took care of it and did not steal it. It was probably opening morning because the ground is wet where the blind was.
Here we go... day 3... Ed F