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  1. Ghosthunter

    Sweat line at SJWA 1-14-12

    That sounds like a great day of hunting to me, Great Post
  2. Ghosthunter

    Elk Meatloaf

    Good Luck and Good Eating guys.
  3. Ghosthunter

    How to rope a deer.

    What a dumb ass
  4. Ghosthunter


    Future NFR and PBR World Champion
  5. Ghosthunter

    Santa Ysabel Mountain Man Rendezvoux coming

    My group of Rendezvoux buddies are in AZ for the deer hunt. I will get you some info on the next one when they return. Im in Larry for sure, need to get the new 54 cal and my old school 54 Hawken out and shoot them.
  6. Ghosthunter


    Great job guys and great pics, went out quail hunting yesterday and me and my son got into them pretty good. You can tell they had been hammered pretty hard based on the way they where flying but a good day in all. I want to get after these yote's after quail is over.
  7. Ghosthunter

    Final Day of Archery Deer season, Thanks and Happy Hew Year to all of you...

    Well guys and gals today is the final day of local archery deer season, I hope everyone had a great season even if they did not even get a deer. I am going to give it all today and hope for the best. I wanted to wish all of you a great and prosperous New Year and Thank all of you for your...
  8. Ghosthunter

    BuckHunter’s Tag Soup Recipe !

    Funny Shit Jim, Come on you can close the deal with a week left, get out there. We have so much snow down here in our local mountains that the deer have moved off the mountain, sucks. Good Hunting
  9. Ghosthunter

    Second Tag Filled

    Very nice BS and with a muzzleloader, that is awesome. That is why I have always said that tag is a great time of the year to be out hunting. Way to reach out with open sites and make a good shot. Great job and Thanks for posting.
  10. Ghosthunter


    That is for sure John, if you double lung any animal with a rifle or bow the animal is done. I think most need to practice more patinece and if the shot is not there than dont make that bad shot. I give these SD deer credit they are tough and can take a shot but there is nothing they can hide...
  11. Ghosthunter

    got him

    What a great buck Jeff, way to get it done. There is so great mass in that buck and tall.
  12. Ghosthunter

    the rut is starting to kick in

    Your in his backyard, just stay with him bro he will make a mistake.
  13. Ghosthunter

    Were to go to Zero rifle

    Go to the main SCH web-site and on the left column down towards the bottom you will see So.Cal. Shooting Ranges and that will give you a list of all the local ranges we have that you can shoot at. The P2K Range is great but if you want to reach out farther you can go to the South Bay Rod & Gun...
  14. Ghosthunter

    Wolf problems !!!!!!!

    Great picture, You could take out half of them from the vantage point.
  15. Ghosthunter

    Arizona Cuts Antelope and Elk Tag Numbers for 2012

    Arizona Cuts Antelope and Elk Tag Numbers for 2012 December 8, 2011. From Arizona Game and Fish: The Arizona Game and Fish Commission approved the 2012 hunt seasons for elk and pronghorn antelope during its Dec. 3 meeting in Phoenix, paving the way for hunters to start applying once they...
  16. Ghosthunter

    Utah Deer Changes for 2012

    Utah Deer Changes for 2012 December 12, 2011. From the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources: If you like to hunt deer in Utah, get ready — some big changes await you in 2012: •Utah's five large deer hunting regions have been split into 30 smaller areas called units. Instead of hunting...
  17. Ghosthunter


    Waiting to see what this new Bowtech "Insanity" bow looks like. I have heard it is nicer than the Invasion. I need to give my son my Admiral next year so it is time for a new bow.
  18. Ghosthunter

    main page?

    IM, right next to your Avatar you have two line items: Show unread posts since last visit and Show new replies to your posts. these two quick links should give the up to date post and also fellow members that responded to your post.
  19. Ghosthunter

    First Archery Buck

    I agree great story Matt, I love the excitement not only in your words but I know how awesome this was for you, I wish I was there that day. The one thing you did not tell everyone Matt is that he shoots a Mathews Bow and with a finger tab, Old School. Awesome. Great Job Bro.....
  20. Ghosthunter

    Merry Christmas to me with a new bow.

    I talked to Bruce tonight about your new bow IM and he is stoked for you and appreciates your comments, Thanks for sharing.

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  • SCHoutdoors was created in January of 2011 by a few people who love the outdoors. The main goal is still the same – bring people together who enjoy the outdoors and share their knowledge and experience.
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