At the report of the rifle..the pronghorn dropped his head..his right shoulder and leg straighted..and he began to do the death run while plowing the field with his face..a true indication of a heart shot for the dove guys that don't hunt large mammals...he made it about 30 yds before he went "ass over tea kettle"as grandpa use to say he lay there kicking his last kick on God's green earth..I steam rolled #2 with joy!!..We had got it done we approached the beast..I snapped this pic..not the biggest goat out there im sure..but considering what we had to work with...we happy...that boy is a killer..and thats a fact..let the collage begin..
Me post #11Congratulations to you’re son ! I thought you had the tag.
I have never ate antelope. What do they test like, chicken??????Sure was a handsome stop..boiling pot..and meat grinder..lope sausage comin...
Ehh..I don't really care for it..some guys swear by it...but I got a recipe that will make a 3 dicked billy goat Taste like filet mignon!!I have never ate antelope. What do they test like, chicken??????Actually I'll bet they taste just like antelope.
I have never cooked a 3 dicked billy got, but I have tried double cu*nted cow.Ehh..I don't really care for it..some guys swear by it...but I got a recipe that will make a 3 dicked billy goat Taste like filet mignon!!