About an hour after we saw the first bear, we saw a second one coming in from down wind... I guess the word was out that some delicious boned out deer meat was available for everyone to enjoy. This bear came right to our camp. I sent a 450 grain solid in his direction hoping to scare him off. He didn't give a sh!t. We hunted the next few days and would glass at least one bear at our beach... for the next four days. We made three other attempts to get down to the beach and there was a bear there everytime. One bear attempted to compromise the bear fence... apparently it worked. These bears can reportedly smell a dead deer for over two miles. You can expect to see a bear on your deer carcass the next day... so we avoid those areas. I also have a recipe for sleeping, which works fabulous for me, but not so well for my hunting partners. Right before bed I take 2 Tylenol PM's, a jigger of whiskey and ear plugs. I sleep very well... Ed F