Assassination attempt

I can't say I really like Trump, but I don't look at voting as a popularity contest, I want what is best for the country and the people of the country. That is why I will proudly cast my vote for Donald J. Trump. Anyone who can't see the damage this administration, and the liberal agenda has done, is walking around with their eyes and ears closed. From out of control inflation, to unsecured boards, to a depleted military with the woke mandate, to not even knowing what sex a person is, and the indoctrination of our youth, stating in grade school. Wake up America, we can not endure four more years of liberal govt. controlling our lives.
Only time will tell. I know Kamala has zero chance, but Newsom I think will come in with the same good looks and charm like Obama did and attract the gullible young voters and he might just win, god save isa ll if he does.
We are hoping for the holy grail. The swamp is so thick. It's worst than quick sand.
It's really rearing it's ugly head.
All i can say I believe in the creator and the after life. All these evil people will go hell.
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Only time will tell. I know Kamala has zero chance, but Newsom I think will come in with the same good looks and charm like Obama did and attract the gullible young voters and he might just win, god save isa ll if he does.
I don't think he has the audience yet and that is why I say put him in front of America right after what just happened and I think the public will not be confidient enough to vote his way. Newsome has not had the press time that Barrack had but I would also say watch out for his better half she is a firestorm and if ignited could change the game.
Drill Baby Drill!

If the republicans can take the house, senate, and white house they can put together some policy that might actually stick instead of being unwound everytime there is a new administration. Maybe another supreme court pick.

There is no such thing as bad PR, if a couple of democrats come out a week and ask him to step down it keeps his name in the news without spending campaign funds. Trump was really good at that type of marketing VS hillary.
Drill Baby Drill!

If the republicans can take the house, senate, and white house they can put together some policy that might actually stick instead of being unwound everytime there is a new administration. Maybe another supreme court pick.

Remember they had that with Trump in the beginning and the RINOS sat around and did nothing. Absolute shame.
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I have been watching the hearing grilling the director of the USSS for answers on the attempt on Trumps life. I haven't seen anybody do that much two stepping since my wife and I use to do the two step at the country bars. I will say, most everyone on both sides are tell her to resign or demanding she be fired. One of the best lines was when one of the members of congress told her 'she needs to go back to guarding Doritos" She was the head of security for Pepsi. I think Biden needs to fire her today, except he doesn't remember who she is or what she does.
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everyone fear not due to this attempt on his life Trump will be elected no matter what.
I think he is going to win because Kamala does not have a realistic chance IMO. I think she has little support from Independent voters.
I read comments like this on social media "I will now vote for Trump because of the assassination attempt". I wonder who were they thinking about voting before the attempt? Biden? Nope. It is just propaganda if you ask me.
I wish people would stop voting for a particular person because they like them, as I have said before voting for the president of the USA is not a popularity contest. We are voting for the person who we hope will give us a better life and a better more secure country. We are voting for the person who we share common beliefs with. If I were only voting for people I like, at this point I can't think of any politician who I like. But because I believe Trump will Make America Great Again, secure our boarders, strengthen our military, work every day to reduce the terrible inflation that is putting a real hurt on all hard working every day American families, like yours and mine, I will vote for Donald J. Trump. for my president of my United States of America.
I wish people would stop voting for a particular person because they like them, as I have said before voting for the president of the USA is not a popularity contest. We are voting for the person who we hope will give us a better life and a better more secure country. We are voting for the person who we share common beliefs with. If I were only voting for people I like, at this point I can't think of any politician who I like. But because I believe Trump will Make America Great Again, secure our boarders, strengthen our military, work every day to reduce the terrible inflation that is putting a real hurt on all hard working every day American families, like yours and mine, I will vote for Donald J. Trump. for my president of my United States of America.


My thoughts exactly...............America 1st.............That simple............. :clap:
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I wish people would stop voting for a particular person because they like them, as I have said before voting for the president of the USA is not a popularity contest. We are voting for the person who we hope will give us a better life and a better more secure country. We are voting for the person who we share common beliefs with. If I were only voting for people I like, at this point I can't think of any politician who I like. But because I believe Trump will Make America Great Again, secure our boarders, strengthen our military, work every day to reduce the terrible inflation that is putting a real hurt on all hard working every day American families, like yours and mine, I will vote for Donald J. Trump. for my president of my United States of America.
Is more complicated than that. I can't speak for others.

I never had a problem with Trump the celebrity. I liked him!..the Donald was just another NYC personality. But even then he had a reputation for not paying his bills sort of speak, failed at many RE projects, the University, and countless bankruptcies that by the way hurt contractors and people who relied on him to put food on the table. But, I suppose that is the way it goes in America when doing business you save other people's money and protect your own. In contrast, I bet most of us probably lose sleep at night with the idea of defaulting on a $5k credit card debt that we need to pay back to a bank..

When he went into politics I watched him. As far as I knew, Trump had zero experience dealing with serious issues related to people who were not his peers, you know, the masses if you will. Trump never surrounded himself with anyone who didn't have money, status and good To me, the idea that he could relate to the needs of the average working-class America was bull shit. I remember the reporters would ask him "Mr. Trump how are you going to do this or that?" he would say "I can't tell you that" years he had his line of clothing manufactured in China..when did he become the American that represents the hard-working citizen? Maybe he had an epiphany I don't know.

Trump says he wants to do what's best for America....Reduce inflation, lower taxes, control immigration, improve the economy, America first and so on. What is not to like about that? Seriously.
Unfortunately, simply put, I just don't believe he knows how to do it. It is easy to talk a big game and sell people on the message but can he put his ego aside and work with others for the benefit of the country? Can he just get to work and stop looking for recognition and acting as a child? I don't think so.

How is his un-compromising approach going to work this time when as a President again has to deal with people from all sorts of life? so many different religions and cultural backgrounds? It might be a bitch to some that America is a melting pot now more than ever but, that is the modern reality.

I want people to get off government benefits and work much can one make in a basic job or working two jobs? Have you seen the price of housing? Yeah, you can live in the desert and work downtown but you need a car, insurance, gas...etc etc.
What about the homelessness issue? Do you just throw those people in jail for not wanting to work or do you force them to work?
Do you make it illegal for confused young adults who want to take hormones? or do you just beat the crap out of them like the old days?
What's the deal with the shooting of a bunch of people including an ex-president? Mental health? How do we fix it? It costs money, who pays for it? Or do you just lock them up?
US-based manufacturing with American work-force YES! You need skilled workers right? what American Company is going to reduce share holder's profits to pay American workers a decent wage?

Those, among other issues are serious Issues that affect us all in any state. Does Trump talk about any of it? Sure, get rid of China, make friends with Russia, stop the wars...GREAT. But How do you really make American better for everyone?

I went to the Trump website. I found a 16 page pdf document with the Republican plan...You should read it. Maybe it is clear to you what the plan is.
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