Went out twice this weekend with Matagi. Great time and I always learn a ton hunting with him. We hunted private land (MCC) both days. Yesterday we had a good spot, got set up well before fly down. We had some hens fly down behind us and Gen had the boss lady in a lather till some joker drives into the flat! WTF!!? He turned around less than 200 yards from us (100 from the hens), and went and parked his truck in plain view, and commences to walk the ridge about 700 yards from us. The hens never got back in the mood after he came in. We heard a gobbler in the distance, but the dirt bike track (adjacent property) got going so he never moved down the hill. We went to another spot but got no replies that. Hit another spot this morning that usually holds turkeys, and didn't get a Yelp. We tried another spot above lake Henshaw. We had a gobbler reply but couldn't bring him in. Fun weekend. Sure beats sitting around the house.