most of the complaints are from parents of children who are now have terrible after side effects, watch the whole video.
this not about who is right or who is wrong , this is about inform decisions , if you are a parent, or grand parents.
this is so you all can make an informed decision. I am sorry, I can't help my self, but I can truly try to help others.
many young people who are to become parents have to decide, this not about me or you but to prevent the suffering
from lack of knowledge. we have allways trusted our physicians , yet they let us down,
you can say this bias BS , but make sure it is, and truly investigate this for your selves.
I am not anti vaccines far from it. we have to make sure big corporations must be held accountable for poor
unsafe vaccines. just as any one in critical positions. my case and those like me have to make sure we follow the rules.
to make sure your families can fly safely in the sky's. I make sure that all specifications and products are made to
the correct requirements. why are not theses guys not held in same requirements, who allows this to happen.
these people have to be held accountable. all I am saying here make sure vaccines are made safe.
we need watch dogs not affiliated with corporation who don't have ties or receive money from who
they suppose to monitor. and make sure these vaccines are tested correctly after production and are safe.
there are to many parents, to be a coincidence.. truly is is my last response,
I will keep my mouth shut,
I need a drink too, I have never thought or even considered all the nonsense is happening not just but in all aspects of our lives
all we ask for is to live and be happy,