Black bear not to worried but maybe a Glock in 10 mm
Grizz. I’d want at least 454 casull backed up with a hand grenade just in case.
I ask a reDONKulosly simple, yet serious question, and all you fools wanna do is jabber bout this and that and try to out do each other with puffin' up your InterWebz chest comments trying to talk down at a Mofo. Really? Is that what we're about here?
Damn... did y'all suffer from Narcolepsy in English class all them years ago?
The question... was crazy stupid simple.
What is the lightest (in weight) sidearm you feel would handle taking out a SoCal Black Bear confidently, (presuming decent shot placement), with only 1 or maybe 2 shots?
I know you got a hard time about asking that question because none of us feel a need to carry a weapon for black bear.... but why do you still want an answer from people who don’t use a piece of equipment in the context that you’re asking about? If you just want to know what handgun/ammunition combo will kill a black bear you ought to be able to figure that out by looking at ballistic/energy delivery tables for a given ammunition/barrel length. No they’re not perfect but you ought to be able to get in the ballpark. Firearm weights are also readily available. Just pick something that fits you and your weight requirements and go with it. The best weapon for self defense is the one you’re most comfortable with.
Just don't fart on a duck post!!!!!!! Burn in eternal hell fire for that
DOH!... they didn't have a G20 there at the moment... and I ended-up pulling the trigger on a Marlin 1894 in .44 Mag instead, Hehe!
View attachment 38587
Meh... there's always Christmas![]()
I know you got a hard time about asking that question because none of us feel a need to carry a weapon for black bear.... but why do you still want an answer from people who don’t use a piece of equipment in the context that you’re asking about? If you just want to know what handgun/ammunition combo will kill a black bear you ought to be able to figure that out by looking at ballistic/energy delivery tables for a given ammunition/barrel length. No they’re not perfect but you ought to be able to get in the ballpark. Firearm weights are also readily available. Just pick something that fits you and your weight requirements and go with it. The best weapon for self defense is the one you’re most comfortable with.
Black bears are just not a worry. I even poked one by hand with a arrow once.
Looks like a G20 SF it is then.
1.) I do not know what is considered the minimum energy requirements for that animal in a sidearm.
2.) Of those who chose to respond so far... they don't feel the need for a sidearm. Cool Ok. Totally your choice. Then just say "I don't carry a sidearm in Black Bear country. Don't feel the need for them." or whatever. Ain't no need in layin' into a mofo just because he likes being prepared.
The current options I have are a S&W M60 .38spl +P in 3" 5-shot. My Sig P238 .380acp. And my Ruger Security Six .357 Mag in 4".
I take the .380acp with LeHigh Penetrators as a backup when going where there are MtnLions but no Bears. It's nice and light and easy to carry. It's got night-sights to. And I like that when taking potty-breaks outside of the tent in the middle of the night.
Of my current choices, I am certain the .357 is the only one anybody would say is for sure a good choice for that application, which it is. But... I was curious to ask around of you more experienced gentleman... and look for and find a new choice which is lighter than that Ruger. Which I presume would mean a polymer semi-auto of some sort. But still widely accepted as competent for the task I intended.
Since there is so much experience amongst you all, I (incorrectly) figured you'd all be like "Oh Yeah... you'd probably want at minimum a <???> loaded with at least <??? or ???>." BOOM! Done. End of story. Thank you for your time Gentleman.
But instead? Buncha unnnecessary and you could say disrespectful stuff. Just not cool. Not cool.