.500 S&W.....Anything less would be uncivilized..!!
This thing kills them ALL - Black bears, Brown Bears, Grizzly Bears, Polar Bears, Chicago Bears, Coca Cola Bears, even Care Bears..!
But the magic doesn't stop there... No, no, no..!! This hand cannon kills Bigfoots, Little Feets, Abominable Snowmen, Chupacabras and Leprechauns. Word has it that it will even kill the boogeyman.. Santa Claus himself will be afraid to peddle his wares in your house when you have this monster..!!
I even came up with a ultra handy chest rig/bandelero I call the "Chest-a-lerio"....(Still a working title)
Notice that it is 3/4 drawn already for you so if that bear comes out to jack your wallet you are already 3/4 of the way there into turnin his entrails into extrails..!!
If that wasn't enough the 2 hydration containers might distract him with the thought of a cool beverage so you can get the shot off.!! Genius..!
Retail is $29.95 on the rig but if you act now I can throw in a 2nd one for FREE, just pay separate shipping and handling..!! Act NOW!!
Come on Larry, let's DO THIS..!!!
No egos were harmed in the making of this post. Bruised maybe. All in good fun. Don't take life so seriously, you will never make it out alive..!