Vaccine proof card

That's a flathat alright...and a widge? I know a guy who shot a euro widge and fed it to his dog....damn I miss that dog!!!

Good ol' Lloyd.....Love that dog.

Last year, I actually had a chance at a euro widge...Shot the wrong one, when I had my oppo...Damn, it's a bitch getting old.......... :joy:

Should ducks get the vaccine?

How do you treat duck flu?

In most cases, treatment with antiviral medication such as oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza) can help reduce the severity of the disease. However, the medication must be taken within 48 hours after symptoms first appear.

Can a vaccine be far behind......... :joy:
That's a flathat alright...and a widge? I know a guy who shot a euro widge and fed it to his dog....damn I miss that dog!!!


Love the young flat hatters.................. :cool:

.View attachment 51102My youngest stepson does flat hats (a surfer old school type of young man and a good kid), Never understood it but I'm old so not my game anymore. My oldest stepson is Air Force EOD, He bends his bill sideways as far as it will go on each side with sunglasses on below it. Good on all these young fellers here for sure and congrats to them all. The youngster's I admire the most these days wear curled ball cap brims bent sideways on each side with spec ops patches on their shoulders. No disrespect just an oberservation..
The Big 5 store manager from the Imperial Valley, Joe passed away a few weeks back. He was a NRA guy, was about to retire and move to AZ.
He had a few pre-existing health problems and then he got covid. RIP Joe.
Enjoy everyday like it might be the last gents.