Assassination attempt

I am sorry guys and I am really sorry for this country of ours. We are all Americans . Regardless of race creed and not what.
Just so you know I am pro constitution.
And bill of rights. I believe it no longer is our country no matter who is in office. D OR R
All politicians have sold their souls .and no longer are for the people. We can't even take a
Propane more with out tax, or fees, or jail.
We are no longer free. And I think has sold out.
What would it look like if we had a God fearing American as our who leads and loves as Jesus did? One who has our best interests in mind and not their own agenda or the agenda of their biggest donors. One who no matter how indifferent they were to the opposing side conducted themselves with honor, humility and grace. One who was physically and mentally capable to lead this country and regain it's former glory. I'm saddened that our election has turned into a political circus that other countries who use to fear the reach and power of this country now point and laugh at the sideshow it has become. I pray that I get to see it in my lifetime..and if not at least for my children's sake I pray they get to see it.
New pic of shooter taken from it,s social media profile...I'm just gonna let this marinate here for a bit...feel free to chime in....many of my questions have just been answered...
Well, that would answer lots of questions.
This is the kind of stuff that has been talked about on many podcast ect... that is not good for hunting. We are all on the same team here, Pro hunting. Bashing a teammate is not good for the overall wellbeing of the team. Go easy on each other!

I agree....I hate fighting/arguing with a fellow hunter and try to never do it on the web... BUT, when a fellow "Teammate" votes for the very people we are fighting against, it's tough to take any longer... :mad:

I used to not care if there was a "D" or "R" next to their names either...These days I do...They are no longer the party that my family loved and I voted for.............:worried:
What I meant Steve, is it doesn't matter if the person being targeted for an assassination is an r or a d. It should piss us all off.

Even if it happened to joetato, I would be pissed cause it's an attack on my country. No matter how much I hate the man and what he has done.

I love my country and I will fight to preserve it.

The fact there was a hit on Trump just tells me they're scared...and they should be. We're not gonna put up with the nonsense of the last 4 years any longer.

I'm predicting shits gonna get real. I hope I'm wrong.
What I meant Steve, is it doesn't matter if the person being targeted for an assassination is an r or a d. It should piss us all off.

Even if it happened to joetato, I would be pissed cause it's an attack on my country. No matter how much I hate the man and what he has done.

I love my country and I will fight to preserve it.

The fact there was a hit on Trump just tells me they're scared...and they should be. We're not gonna put up with the nonsense of the last 4 years any longer.

I'm predicting shits gonna get real. I hope I'm wrong.


We're on the same page/team................. :blush:
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What would it look like if we had a God fearing American as our who leads and loves as Jesus did? One who has our best interests in mind and not their own agenda or the agenda of their biggest donors. One who no matter how indifferent they were to the opposing side conducted themselves with honor, humility and grace. One who was physically and mentally capable to lead this country and regain it's former glory. I'm saddened that our election has turned into a political circus that other countries who use to fear the reach and power of this country now point and laugh at the sideshow it has become. I pray that I get to see it in my lifetime..and if not at least for my children's sake I pray they get to see it.

Sadly, many of them retire, "hide" and quit the good fight. That's their prerogative but it sure is inspiring to see the drive and fight Trump has at 78, its truly inspiring. I hope and pray I have the same at that age. The world needs more of that.
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I agree....I hate fighting/arguing with a fellow hunter and try to never do it on the web... BUT, when a fellow "Teammate" votes for the very people we are fighting against, it's tough to take any longer... :mad:
I have a story, I was shopping at walmart for groceries. As I walked out a elderly notice u had my camouflage pants and shirt. Turkey stuff.
She asked me if I was a Trumph supporter and would I vote for him.
I Sai quote mam I voted for my self . Because no body cares about me or what I think.
So no body voted these Jack asses in office , how do think they stayed there for 30 years, no body voted no body in. And some people have not fiquired that out. Quit dividing people here.
We are all Americans. If you believe main sream media, and beleve these people were voted in.
Then stop drinking fluoride.
Steve, IMO on the contrary we should be inviting the folks we oppose to meet and understand our views and share time so that they might understand and maybe they will come to the understanding tha we are trying to preserve what has existed for so long rather than spreading dosdain for them we should try top embrace and educate them on the freedome this country has. Hate begets hate and invites the violence we are seeing.
It's little late, this started after JFK was murdered by the same people in the swamp.
But censoring people from speaking the truth the calling it BS Is why we are in this mess now.
The puppeteers pulling the strings are happy to see us stupid ass people fight amongst our selfs. And not blame the puppeteer.
The CIA and Secret service are either very inept.
Or it was he'll of comical show.
I want to remind every one Kenedy was a Democrat. Be died because of three main reasons. He was pulling the plug on the federal reserve which is owned privately, he was pulling the plug on the CIA, and was refusing to start a war with Vietnam. Bingo.
Johnson faked the the attack by Vietnam to start a war. And canceled the other two executive orders to close down federal reserve and to shut down the Cia.
What did Bush senior and his dumb son due faked facts that Iraq had weapons of Mas destruction. Latterly destroyed Iraq on false pretense. These are facts gentlemen.
Two wars that cost thousands of American lives for no reason.
The Republicans don't due poop because they are in on it from kick backs. They are filthy rich.
No politician should be in office for more tan four years. And that includes judges, senate, house of representatives, and the president.
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I have a story, I was shopping at walmart for groceries. As I walked out a elderly notice u had my camouflage pants and shirt. Turkey stuff.
She asked me if I was a Trumph supporter and would I vote for him.
I Sai quote mam I voted for my self . Because no body cares about me or what I think.
So no body voted these Jack asses in office , how do think they stayed there for 30 years, no body voted no body in. And some people have not fiquired that out. Quit dividing people here.
We are all Americans. If you believe main sream media, and beleve these people were voted in.
Then stop drinking fluoride.


With all due respect...President Trump came in as an outsider, a non politician...Hence, why the establishment (both dems & reps) hate him...His following are grass root Americans...He puts America 1st and that's all I care about....TRUMP 2024

With all due respect...President Trump came in as an outsider, a non politician...Hence, why the establishment (both dems & reps) hate him...His following are grass root Americans...He puts America 1st and that's all I care about....TRUMP 2024
In a nut shell...........................
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What would it look like if we had a God fearing American as our who leads and loves as Jesus did? One who has our best interests in mind and not their own agenda or the agenda of their biggest donors. One who no matter how indifferent they were to the opposing side conducted themselves with honor, humility and grace. One who was physically and mentally capable to lead this country and regain it's former glory. I'm saddened that our election has turned into a political circus that other countries who use to fear the reach and power of this country now point and laugh at the sideshow it has become. I pray that I get to see it in my lifetime..and if not at least for my children's sake I pray they get to see it.
AMEN George
Sadly God is missing for to many people.

With all due respect...President Trump came in as an outsider, a non politician...Hence, why the establishment (both dems & reps) hate him...His following are grass root Americans...He puts America 1st and that's all I care about....TRUMP 2024
He has had to put up with more SH$T from both sides, the media and the so called celebrities that I cannot understand how he can put up with it. Personally I do not like him but what he did for our country cannot be overlooked. How anyone can not see where we are as a country under this current admin and still want to vote for the POS I do not understand

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